Welcome to METKA’s annual meeting.
The meeting will be held on 7.11.2024 starting at 5 p.m. The meeting will be held in Myllypuro campus at room Metropolia-sali MPA1010.

The agenda of the meeting can be viewed here. Note that the agenda is only in finnish.

All METKAs members are welcomed to the meeting. Membership status will be checked so prepare to prove your membership status in the meeting. The members of Representative Council who were chosen in the election are entitled to vote, but all members have the right to tell their opinions and participate in the meeting. Meeting will be held in finnish. You can only attend the meeting in person.

Additional information about the meeting:
Chairperson of the Representative Council Lauri Kanerva lauri.kanerva@metkaweb.fi
Vice Chairperson of the Representative Council Juuli Ärttö juuli.artto@metkaweb.fi

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