Tips for the beginning of the studies

Metropolia’s students who work at METKA’s board, gathered tips for you for beginning of the studies.

1. Prepare for self-direction

Studying in a university is very different from studying in the secondary school.

In short, what you learn and take from your studies, is in your own hands. Sometimes the information or new things you need in your future work comes from many sources, and you may feel lost or not knowing what to do in order to make good progress. The studies include both classroom and distance learning. Especially in these days, distance learning has become more prevalent.

The study schedule often includes time for independent study. Take advantage of this and do it when you have the time. If you don’t have time, plan your calendar in advance for the times you will be studying. Your calendar is your friend!

2. Meet people and be yourself

Your studies will take around 3-5 years, which is a long period of time in your life. However, you will spend it with your future colleagues, so you should make the most of this time!

There are thousands of students in Metropolia from different walks of life, so finding friends and peers outside of your own study group is definitely possible. There are many communities and organizations within the university, which make it easier to network and get to know students from other fields as well.

In terms of well-being, It is important to have peers who are in the situation and understand the challenges you may face in the university.

3. There’s something to learn in every course

During your studies, you may have a course or two, or maybe a project, that seems frustrating or not useful for your future work.

You may think, “why do I even have to do something like this?” In fact, it is sometimes easier to see in hindsight what kind of working life skills you have learnt in those courses that really contributes to your work.

In some fields, there are a lot of project-type learning. Remember to also think what you want to learn during the project and what are the skills you want to develop, as you may be able to affect them directly. It’s impossible to really know what skills you will need after your studies in your career!

4. Take care of your well-being

University studies can be exhausting in any life situation.

Many students work while studying, some have already their own families and some are active in different organizations or trustee positions. Remember to check yourself every now and then so that you won’t be exhausted from overwork. Make time for also free-time in your schedule and do something relaxing and enjoyable with it. Remember to keep contact with your close ones and have extra-curricular activities you feel relaxing and balancing the possibly hectic life.

Metropolia has a great number of student well-being services to support you as well!

5. Enjoy your student life!

Congratulations, you are now a student! As we know, studies are definitely the best time in everyone’s lives, aren’t them?

Well, time flies by faster than everyone thinks. During your graduation you may think that “it was just yesterday when I came here, nervous and excited what my life will be like”. The days and years can include joy, sadness, feelings of uncertainty and succession hand in hand.

There’s a lot to take and learn during this time of your life, but first and foremost, enjoy and have fun!

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