
In the form of tutoring, we offer the support and know-how for every student starting their studies. Tutors help the new students in the beginning, participate in creating their team spirit and introduce them to the secrets of student life. The trained tutors are present in all campuses and their work benefits the whole student community.

The aim of tutoring is to make each student feel welcome and make the beginning of a new phase in one’s life as easy as possible.

Tutor application and trainings

Would you like to become a tutor?

As a tutor you can gain valuable experience and get to develop skills appreciated also in working life. Through tutoring you will get the opportunity to meet people across the world, and Metropolia, and find lifelong friends.

We are looking for new tutors to join our team every semester, depending on the starting period on your field of study. You can check the application semester for your study field from your tutors, head tutors or METKAs tutoring team. The application period for exchange tutors is open every semester. The ones chosen in the application period will be trained in METKA tutor training. The training is compulsory, and it is formed of lectures, workshops, campus specific day and group and performing exercises.

Peer tutoring

Peer tutors are present to welcome new students during the first days of their studies and will support their group throughout the first semester. A peer tutor helps new students to get a head start at their studies and student life. Peer tutors also help to create a group spirit among new students by organizing various social events.

New students can turn toward their peer tutors if they have questions about school or about student life. A tutor can advise them or help them find the right contact person at Metropolia.

Exchange tutoring

Exchange tutors are an important part of international activities in Metropolia. Tutors are supporting the arriving exchange students and help them to manage Finnish bureaucracy as well as getting comfortable in a new environment.

Exchange tutors are here to welcome the arriving students and guide them to their apartment, while introducing them to the local services. Showing around the students campus and its surroundings, as well as arranging a variety of recreational activities with other tutors, are part of the exchange tutors duties.

Becoming an exchange tutor is a wonderful step towards your own internationalization, such as your own exchange period, or working abroad in the future. As an exchange tutor you will get to enhance your language proficiency, meet new people from different backgrounds, and acquire knowledge on the similarities and differences between cultures. In exchange tutoring you will get to develop your performing, guiding, organizing and communication skills, while having a great time and perhaps creating lifelong friendships!

The main language of exchange tutoring is English, but you will have the opportunity to use your language skills broadly. There is no requirement level for English – just courageously apply!

Head tutoring

The head tutor period lasts at least for one calendar year. METKA recruits new head tutors each Autumn and the ones chosen will be trained before New Years. You can apply to be a head tutor if you have been a tutor for at least one semester. The new head tutors will get the chance to participate in the work of the head tutors already during the Autumn semester. Head tutoring is a wonderful opportunity to deepen the skills and knowledge gained during tutoring and take them to the next level.

Study tutoring

Study tutors support students especially from their field in the study-related challenges and use their experience to help others progress in their studies. Study tutors organize regular study circles, support individual students in their studies or can provide peer support in lessons as well depending on the degree. 

You can become a study tutor if you are interested in being a peer mentor and can commit to leading regular study circle meetings on your campus alongside your studies. You can start as a study tutor by completing a training offered by METKA, for which no previous tutoring experience is required. Study tutors receive either 5 credits or a financial reward for their work, depending on their choice. The package includes planning, communication, facilitating meetings for one semester or one academic year and final reporting on the activities. Ask the METKA tutoring team for more information about the study tutor training.

Sports tutoring

The main role of a sports tutor is to help other students with physical activity. The sports tutor knows the physical activity facilities on their campus and can introduce Zone Sports Services. They also organize sporting events if possible and are involved in activities such as MetroSport. Sports tutors are trained and supported by METKA sports sector. Our peer tutors also receive a short training for the role of sports tutor, but sporst tutor training is a good addition for those interested in sports themes. For more information on sports tutoring, please contact METKA’s sports or tutor sector.

Got any questions?

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Head Tutors of your study field or METKA tutoring team.

Email addresses for Head Tutors are in form firstname.lastname(at)metropolia.fi.

Health Care and Social Services


Wellbeing: Social Services, Occupational Therapy, Elderly Care

  • Sanni Luostarinen
  • Selia Ahmed
  • Tia-Maria “Tipsu” Turunen

Health: Emergency Care, Midwifery, Nursing, Public Health Nursing

  • Jere Elomaa
  • Moona Reunama
  • Juho Haapasalmi
  • Isa Miettinen
  • Angela Baluyot

Rehabilitation and analysis: Optometry, Radiography and Radiotherapy, Oral Hygiene, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Biomedical Laboratory Science, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Osteopathy

  • Heljä Holmström
  • Heta Anttonen
  • Justus Kalliokoski



  • Niina Vainio
  • Rasmus Skönroos
  • Mia Vaim


  • Saara Halla-Aho
  • Eemil Heikkinen
  • Ella Järvelä
  • Aila Henriksson


  • Jarkko Utriainen
  • Sami Barbaglia
  • Tuomas Lepistö
  • Anita Koskinen
  • Jere Hippeläinen



  • Anni Lampi
  • Aleksis Seilo
  • Laura Aaltonen
  • Rami Kiiskinen



  • Sara Raitanen
  • Ivana Onkova
  • Jonna Tynys
  • Jenna Sandberg
  • Jonna Ahlajoki
  • Veera Korhonen

Exchange Head Tutors

Arabian kampus

  • Anni Lampi
  • Rami Kiiskinen

Karamalmin kampus

  • Jarkko Utriainen

Myllypuron kampus

  • Isa Miettinen
  • Angela Baluyot

Myyrmäen kampus

  • Aila Henriksson
  • Veera Korhonen

METKA Tutoring Team

Emmi Nisumaa

Specialist, Tutoring & Guidance
050 374 3269


Annimari Ollila

Deputy International Affairs and Community Specialist
044 966 0960 

Jere Hippeläinen

Board member, Tutoring

050 387 4210

If you want to reach our tutoring team as a whole, please contact

  • tutor@metkaweb.fi – for all tutoring
  • international@metkaweb.fi – for exchange tutoring

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