Metropolia Student Union of Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences METKA strongly opposes the introduction of tuition fees. Riitta Konkola, the CEO-Director of the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, has stated in her interview with Yle that tuition fees are a feasible option in Metropolia.

The student’s income is already at stake. As seen from the preliminary analysis of the regional student loan rebate, students are more in debt than ever. Students reluctantly take thousands of euros in student loans for their living expenses during their education. And this action would now put them in more debt to get that education. Also, the student allowance is at a weaker stand now that during the 90’s recession (Yle 19.9.2021)

Education needs and must be invested in, but not at the expense of students. High-quality and free education are great objectives of pride and joy for Finland and Finns. These objectives are at risk of being scrapped under the pretext of raising the number of higher educated people. In other words, they will sacrifice the pride and joy of this society by taking it from the already meagre student. In addition, students in Social and healthcare would have to pay for their right to vocational practice. Internships in the field are, without exception, unpaid. Paid internships do not increase the attractiveness of the fields suffering from labour shortages.

The University of Helsinki has studied how socioeconomic status is inherited in families. According to the study, the family’s background significantly affected children’s futures from the poorest and wealthiest families. Free education has always been one of Finland’s most important factors in promoting equality and equity. The tuition fees would prevent a student from having equal opportunities to succeed in the Finnish education system.

The funding base for education must be strengthened or prioritised by adapting the starting places for each field. However, tuition fees should not be an option for any university.

Metropolia university of applied sciences, as a limited company, has made profits of 1.7 M€ in 2019, 5.1 M€ in 2020 and 7.2 M€ in 2021. According to a proposal from the Ministry of Finance, higher education institutions decide how they use their funds. Thus, there is no authoritative need to focus the investment of funds, for example, towards improving the quality of education or increasing the number of starting places.

Student Union of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences METKA is strongly against tuition fees. Money must come from somewhere else and not the pockets of students.

“Tuition fees endanger Finland’s position as a civil society,” says Teemu Kokkonen, METKA’s Chairperson of the Representative Council.

Helsinki 16.12.2022

Teemu Kokkonen
Chairperson of METKA’s Representative Council

Valtteri Siljander
Chairperson of METKA’s Board

Tia Tast
Vice-chairperson of Demoni ry

Justus Kalliokoski
Chairperson of MysteRy

Lilli Häyhänen
Chairperson of Helsingin Tekniikan Opiskelijat – HTO ry

Erika Lampinen
Vice-chairperson of KaMA ry

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