Student Representatives

Student representatives are ordinary students who have been chosen by student union METKA to represent students’ viewpoints and needs in the decision-making processes at Metropolia UAS. Student representatives are chosen usually for one-year period in open search that takes place in autumn. The supplementary search is opened whenever there are open positions to be filled.

Notice!  The working language in most of the representative positions is Finnish, so in order to represent, fluent Finnish is usually required.

Applying to become a student representative

Student representatives are an important part of METKA’s work for students’ benefit. They represent students’ viewpoints in the Metropolia’s decision-making. METKA wishes that students from different fields and classes in Metropolia apply for the open positions. Membership of the student union is not required to be a student representative. The student union gives student representatives a training for their duties and supports them in their work.

The next application round starts on November 1st.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a student representative?
A student representative is a hero of students. They represents the student perspective in the decision-making bodies of Metropolia UAS. The student representative does not have to have any special experience or other merits, but their main task is to know and tell about the student’s everyday life.

What does a student representative do?
The student representative attends the meetings of the decision-making body and is a full member. The student representative can be informed about the issues under preparation and can also express their views outside the meetings. An active student representative can influence and bring about changes in areas such as course content or student services.

What does a student representative get?
METKA supports and guides student representatives in their work. Student representatives are trained for the task at the beginning of the year. Student representatives can learn e.g. how to lobby, present themselves and network with employers and within Metropolia. If they so wish, student representatives can also get a certificate and study credits if they have actively participated in the activities of the body and in the meetings and training sessions organised by METKA.

Does it take a lot of time to be a student representative?
Degree advisory councils only meet 1-4 times a year. The other bodies meet about once a month. In addition to the meetings, it is recommended to familiarize themself with the meeting materials beforehand. The term of a student representative on the advisory council is one year, but it is possible and even recommended to apply for a second term. The term in Legal Protection Committee and Board of Examiners is two years.

What are the criteria for selection?
All student representatives are selected on the basis of applications. Selection is based on motivation and possible experience in a similar role. The aim is to select representatives from different fields of study and degree programs. METKA prioritizes applicants who can serve as student representative for the full term. The decision is made by METKA’s Board or Representative Council, depending on the body. Applicants will have the opportunity to present themselves at the meeting where the decision made.

What do student representatives decide?
Most student representative positions are primarily in institutions related to the development of education and other activities of Metropolia. The influence of a student representative depends largely on the student’s own activity and motivation. Examples of issues to be discussed include curricula, teaching methods and the relevance of education to the working life.

Am I eligible to be a student representative?
Any Metropolia student can apply and be elected as a student representative. You do not have to be a member of METKA, nor do you have to be involved in other METKA’s activities. You can also apply as a student representative as an absent student, but graduated are not eligible to be a student representative. Only students in a specific degree program are eligible to apply to an advisory council that represents this degree program.

Why is there no advisory board for my degree on the list?
Not all advisory councils are currently active and some are in the process of determining how they will operate in the future. Therefore, it is not possible to apply for a student representative. Applicants can still submit an application expressing their enthusiasm to be involved in building up the activities of advisory councils for their degree program.

Do I get study credits for this activity?
You can get credits for an activity if you actively participate in it. The courses last for one calendar year and include some small written assignments and participation in training sessions organised by METKA. These student activity courses and guidelines are being revised and the new guidelines will enter into force on 1.1.2025.

Can I apply if I don’t speak Finnish?
Some of the positions require fluent Finnish but all English-speaking students are free to apply to be a student representative in those advisory councils that represent English-speaking degree programs.

Advisory Councils of degree programmes

Each degree in Metropolia has an advisory board. They maintain the connection between work life and the university and act as an expert in teaching in this field. The advisory board covers issues such as curriculum reforms. Only students of the given field may apply to their respective advisory boards. Most councils operate in Finnish and they do not have an official English name. This is why they are shown here in Finnish.

Student Representatives 2024

Ajoneuvotekniikan neuvottelukunta
Marco Toivanen

Apuvälinetekniikan neuvottelukunta
Maija Noronen

Bio- ja kemiantekniikan neuvottelukunta
Sakari Bochkov

Bioanalytiikan neuvottelukunta
Jim Stenbäck

CRASH-tutkintojen neuvottelukunta
Marjatta Bramzell

Elokuvan ja television neuvottelukunta
Sara Maaria Peltonen

Ensihoidon neuvottelukunta
Nea Sorjonen & Reetta Väänänen

Esitys- ja teatteritekniikan neuvottelukunta
Sami-Petteri Weber & Eveliina Pölönen

Konservoinnin neuvottelukunta
Max Nyman

Kulttuurituotannon neuvottelukunta
Anni Huomolin

Kuntoutuksen ja tutkimisen YAMK-tutkintojen neuvottelukunta
Laura Latvala

Kätilötyön neuvottelukunta
Matilda Stirkkinen

Laboratorioanalytiikan neuvottelukunta
Maria Ristolainen

Liiketalouden neuvottelukunta
Kai Magnusson & Julia Łakoma

Muotoilun neuvottelukunta (Median pääaineet)
Henri Ikonen & Roope Soikkeli

Musiikin neuvottelukunta
Severi Seppänen

Optometrian neuvottelukunta
Senja Suntola

Osteopatian neuvottelukunta
Kimmo Huima & Mette Bärling

Radiografian ja sädehoidon neuvottelukunta
Hilda Lindroos

Rakennusalan työnjohdon neuvottelukunta
Teemu Purje & Juho Sahramaa

Rakennustekniikan neuvottelukunta
Hilda Lindroos

Sairaanhoitotyön neuvottelukunta
Mikael Kasberg & Santtu Hyvärinen

Sosiaalialan neuvottelukunta
Anni Lipsanen

Suun terveydenhuollon neuvottelukunta
Iida Nojonen

Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikan neuvottelukunta
Santeri Hietanen

Talotekniikan neuvottelukunta
Antti Elolähde

Terveyden osaamisalueen YAMK-tutkintojen neuvottelukunta
Hamdi Geddi & Jenni Arteli

Terveydenhoitotyön neuvottelukunta
Merja Saranpää

Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan ja tuotantotalouden neuvottelukunta
Kiana Aghajani & Erika Lampinen

Toimintaterapian neuvottelukunta
Hanna Kaisa Hokkanen

Vaatetusalan neuvottelukunta
Elisabet Valkonen

Vanhustyön neuvottelukunta
Janica Kallio

Legal Protection Committee

The Legal Protection Committee handles students’ legal protection and disciplinary matters on a case-by-case basis and makes a closing motion to the principal. The term of office of the Legal Protection Committee is two calendar years.

Term 2023-2024
Member: Juuli Ärttö
Deputy members: Lilli Rissanen & Antti Elolähde
Specialist member: Mari Purhonen

Board of Examiners

The Board of Examiners considers the adjustment requirements related to the evaluation of credit and the identification and recognition of previously acquired competencies. The term of office of the Board of Examiners is two calendar years.

Term 2023-2024
Member: Teemu Kokkonen
Deputy member: Juuli Ärttö
Specialist member: Mari Purhonen

The Executive Board of Metropolia UAS

The Executive Board of Metropolia UAS is the supreme body making operational decisions for the University of Applied Sciences. It decides the UAS’s strategy, action plans and budget and elects and dismisses the principal. The board consists of representatives of the college’s owners, staff and students.

Term 5/2024 – 5/2025: Santeri Hietanen

Leadership Forum

The Leadership Forum consists of members of Metropolia’s management, heads of school, and student and staff representatives. The Forum will discuss and decide on the principles governing the everyday teaching and activities of Metropolia and the organization of education.

Term 2024: Juuso Jaakkola, Lilli Rissanen, Lauri Kanerva, Juuli Ärttö

Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region Hoas

HOAS is a foundation-based provider of student housing in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. Its activities are student-driven. The student unions in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area appoint representatives to Hoas’s decision-making bodies in accordance with the foundation’s statutes.

Board of Directors 2023-2024: Janne Hälinen & Matilda Stirkkinen

Finnish Student Health Service FSHS

The committees of the FSHS include the Board of Trustees, the FSHS Council and Service Region’s Management Groups. The Board of Trustees is responsible for the operations of the FSHS.

The current FSHS was born in 1954, when National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) expanded the activities of the Student Health Office in Helsinki to a national level. In 2021, students at universities of applied sciences were also transferred to FSHS services, and thus National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK, together with student unions, will appoint representatives to FSHS bodies.

Board of Trustees:Julia Ståhle, Social Policy Advisor (SAMOK) represents UAS students
Council:No representation, METKA’s nomination rotation is for 2025-2026
Southern Service Region’s Management Group:METKA is represented by advocacy specialist Mari Purhonen

This post is also available in Suomi.