What sitz or sitsit? What Annual Gala ? There are a lot of new things involved in starting a student life and also several new words. This dictionary compiled by METKA helps the beginning of student life.
Advisory Council = Each degree has its own Advisory Board. It consists of Metropolia’s personnel, work-life representatives, and student representatives all from the respective fields. The aim is to develop teaching and its equivalence with work-life.
Advocacy = Edunvalvonta = Pushing for the rights of the students. Examples of advocacy are acting against problems faced during education and lobbying the decision-makers.
Alumni = A former student of an educational institution. The word alumni is the plural form of the Latin word alumnus, meaning protected, educated, or pupil. Often, a member of the board of an association or student union is also called alumni.
Amme = A service where a student of Metropolia can change their password.
Anniversary = Vuosijuhla = An academic table party where you eat and drink well, hear speeches, and see reward precision. For the annual celebration, a dark dress/suit or evening dress/suit is usually worn.
AOK (Automaatio-opiskelijoiden kilta ry) = The Association of electrical and automation technology students. Myyrmäki-based automation students’ student association.
Appro = A bar crawl where one collects stamps on the Appro-pass by drinking drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) or in some cases performing various tasks, each appro has a set number of stamps to collect. Once you collected the set number of stamps, you receive an overalls badge as proof for completing the Appro.
Board = Hallitus = METKA, like many other organizations, has a board. The composition of the Board is decided by the Council of Representatives. The Board implements matters decided by the Council of Representatives.
Board of Examiners = Tutkintolautakunta = A board that specifically handles complaints about grades and cases of fraud. The members are Metropolia’s personnel, a student and an expert member from METKA.
Degree Regulation = Tutkintosääntö = A guideline for both staff and students to follow. For example, the degree regulations specify the time within which grades must be given after the end of a course.
Demoni ry = Arabia-based subject association for culture area of study.
Edaattori = A member of the council of representatives.
ESN Metropolia = Erasmus Student Network Metropolia. A student organization that advocates for the interests of international students (degree-, exchange students, etc.).
Exam = An electronic exam platform. The examination takes place in the exam room, called the exam aquarium, where the student reserves a suitable exam time for themselves. The exam aquarium has computers for taking the exam and camera surveillance.
Fresher = Fuksi = A first year student.
Freshers’ Party = Fuksiaiset = A grouping event for new students. The Freshers Party is held twice a year, in spring usually in February and in autumn usually in September. In the Freshers Party, you go through various checkpoints with a group of your classmates to complete fun tasks.
FSHS (Finnish Students Health Services) = YTHS, provides all health services during studies. By paying the FSHS fee, you can get access to an FSHS dentist, for example.
GDPR = General Data Protection Regulation = Is the EU regulation on how personal data is processed. In short, GDPR means that a collector of personal information, such as METKA, should always have a reason why some information is being collected and stored. The person always has the right to see what information has been collected about them and also to request that it be removed from the register.
Gooni ry = Student association for land surveying students.
Guild = Kilta = Common name for the subject association at the University of Technology. There are also a couple of guilds in Metropolia.
Harassment contact person = Häirintäyhdyshenkilö = A trained personnel from METKA you can turn to if you have experienced harassment yourself or have noticed harassment in Metropolia or METKA’s operations.
Helpdesk = A service that provides assistance via online or phone with all matters related to Metropolia’s IT affairs.
HTO (Helsingin Tekniikan Opiskelijat ry) = Helsinki Technology Students’ association. Is a Technology students’ student union that covers all the engineering and transport students in Metropolia.
HyMy-Village = HyMy-kylä = This is a multidisciplinary learning and development environment at the Myllypuro campus and is based on an ecosystem approach. In the learning environment, key professional practices of client work, individual service design, the conceptualization of new services and innovative development are practised.
Innovation project = Innovaatioprojekti = A compulsory course for all Metropolia students, in which some kind of innovative project is often done with a multidisciplinary group.
Jobiili = Service where social and healthcare students book their internships.
Jobteaser = Career portal that guides you through each step of your job search. The portal contains vacancies and internships, as well as tips for career advancement.
KaMA ry = Metropolia Karamalmi´s students association= The student union for the students of Karamalmi.
Kide.App = Mobile app where almost all tickets to student events are purchased. You can also attach your METKA membership to the Kide.App and buy tickets at member prices.
Legal Protection Committee = Oikeusturvalautakunta = A committee that deals specifically with issues related to student selection and overtime applications. The members are Metropolia’s personnel, a student and an expert member from METKA.
Me BiEn ry = Student association for students of Biological and Chemical Engineering & Energy and Environmental engineering.
MErkka = Metropolia’s professional special needs teacher.
METKA = Student Union of Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences.
Metku = METKA’s orange cat mascot.
MetroSport = Free sporting event organised in the fall for the students of Metropolia. In MetroSport, you can try out new sports and get to know different wellness providers.
Moodle = The platform, that has most of the study materials and assignments.
M-piste = Member service point, where you can e.g. buy overall patches and take care of your membership related issues. M-piste service points can be found on each campus and they are each usually open once a week.
MYRO (Myllypuron rakennusalan opiskelijat ry) = Myllypuro-based construction field students’ student union.
MysteRy = Myllypuro social and health care students’ association.
OLL = Finnish Student Sports Federation = OLL’s goal is for students to exercise adequately for their health and wellbeing.
OMA = A database for the students and staff of metropolia. You can find news about the school, student tools, contact information, and much more on OMA.
On The Move app = An app that allows you, as a METKA member, to book group exercise classes and gym sessions. The app also acts as a “self-service device”, allowing you to sign in for a booked session.
Opku = Abbreviation for Student Union.
Opku+ = A co-operation group formed by several student unions. In addition to METKA, Opku+ includes the student unions Helga, Laureamko, ASK, TUO, Humako, O’Diako and JAMKO. Due to this cooperation, METKA members have access to, for example, events organized by the aforementioned unions at a reduced price.
OPS (Opetussuunnitelma) = Curriculum according to which the content of the degree is formed.
Opy = Abbreviation for Student Association.
Peritia Vestio ry = The Fashion and Clothing students’ student association.
PSP = HOPS = Personal Study Plan = Many students follow the curriculum. In the case of students who have a second university degree, the content of their studies have to be changed. That’s when PSP is required.
RAK (Rakennusarkkitehtikilta ry) = Construction Architecture students’ student association.
RDI = TKI = Research, Development, and Innovation.
Representative Council = Edustajisto = A group of representatives elected annually, which is the highest decision-making body of the Union. For example, the council has power over the METKA membership fee, the budget and building projects. It also chooses the Board of Executives and key staff of the Student Union. METKA’s Representative Council has 25 members and a maximum of 25 alternate.
Representative Council Elections = Edustajistovaalit = Elections to elect the Council of Representatives. Every active member of METKA (A member who has a valid METKA membership) has the right to vote in the election. Elections are usually held annually in October-November.
SAMOK (Suomen opiskelijakuntien liitto – SAMOK) = University of Applied Sciences Students in Finland – SAMOK = operates as the umbrella organization for student unions in Finland. SAMOK does a lot of nationwide advocacy for the benefit of students.
Sitz = Sitsit = A Nordic academic student event where you can eat and sing drinking songs and, in some cases, follow a program and give speeches. Sits usually have a topic or theme that you could/should dress up.
SORA = Solutions for unsuitability. The so-called SORA legislation is enacted to improve the safety of working life and the study environment, it concerns the admission for studying, the revocation and returning of the right to study. SORA legislation allows the education provider and the university to revoke a student’s right to study in cases the risk safety of a minor, patient, customer, or traffic safety.
Speksi = Speksi is an interactive improvisational theatre that combines music and dance performances with audience involvement. For example, in specs, the audience may shout “Omstart!”, In which case the pre-shout scene will be re-played. METKA also has its own Speksi!
Student and Admission Services = Opiskelija – ja hakijapalvelut = Assist in day-to-day studies related matters in all four campuses and online. For example, you can get a transcript of records and find out about issues related to the right to study from student and admission services.
Student Association = Opiskelijayhdistys = Metropolia has student associations in co-operation with METKA. Student associations operate within one or more of the campuses and provide local advocacy and organize activities for students. For example, you can order overalls from your student association and participate in local activities.
Student overalls = Opiskelijahaalarit = You can identify students by them! Overalls can be decorated by sewing on patches collected from events or buying them, or any way you like imagination is the limit. In Metropolia overall are provided by the different student associations for their respective study fields.
Student Representative = Opiskelijaedustaja = Represents students in various decision-making bodies and workgroups. Student representatives are appointed to, for example, Metropolia Oy’s Board of Directors and other aforementioned advisory boards.
Student Union = Opiskelijakunta = A Student Union is a statutory public entity whose members may be students at the University of Applied Sciences. The student union acts as a liaison between its members and strives to promote the well-being, communality, and status of students.
Study module = Opintojakso = Courses are called study modules.
Subject association = Ainejärjestö = An association operating in the university, with the purpose of uniting students of the same subject or field, promoting their interests, and organizing activities. Subject organizations and guilds operating in Metropolia are collectively called the student associations.
Support Services = Tukipalvelut = Metropolia offers several support services during your studies. These include services like a curator or a psychologist. There are also, school priests and special needs teachers.
Talo ry = Student association for Building Services students.
Trombi ry (Tradenomiopiskelijat Metropolian Bisnes Intellektuaalit) = The Student Association of Metropolia BBA StudentsTrombi ry = Myyrmäki based business administration students’ student association.
Turnitin = A platform through which thesis and sometimes other assignments are returned. Its purpose is to prevent plagiarism.
Tutor = Instructor, support, and data bank for new students. In Metropolia, METKA trains all tutors for their duties, and they help students with all matters related to their studies during the first semester.
Tuudo = A mobile application that provides information about Metropolia. For example, maps of campuses can be found in the app.
TXO (Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu Terveys- ja hoitoalan opiskelijat ry) = Health and Nursing Students Association of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
UIO (Uudenmaan Insinööriopiskelijat ry) = Is a technology and transport field students’ student assosiation. It covers Karamalmi, Myyrmäki, and Myllypuro kampuses. It is also the local engineering assosiation.
WSC (World Student Capital Pääkaupunkiseudun opiskelijat ry) = Conducts research, communicates and influences matters to create the best student metropolis in the world! The WSC network consists of the student unions of higher education institutions in the Capital Region.
YAMK (Ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto) = Master’s degree = Metropolia offers several YAMK studies. To achieve them, you must have completed a bachelor’s degree and accumulated a few years of work experience
Zone = Sports Service provider for the university of applied sciences. The joint Zone sports services of the Metropolitan Universities of Applied Sciences have been operating since 2017. The goal of the sports services is to make communities of the University of Applied Sciences move more and increase everyday physical activity.
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