Wabu is definitely not ending this year either! What could be better than a bunch of students gathering together to celebrate the most important holiday for us: Wappu AKA May Day! Of course Wiikon Wappu AKA Week of May Day doesn’t last for a week, but there are 18 events altogether. 

With a Wappupass you are entitled to discounted event tickets and after you have visited at least six events to collect a stamp on your pass, you are entitled to a great WappuGuru overall patch, that only true wappu masters get to wear on their overalls!

The sale of the Wappupasses starts on Monday 18 March at 12 noon on Kide.app. For METKA members the price is 6 € and for non-members 14 €. Wappupass buyers also get a new lanyard. Note! The Wappupass alone does not give you access to the events, you have to buy separate event tickets. There are also free events. Ticket sales for Wiikon Wappu events will start on or after 20 March. Check the exact ticket sale dates from each event’s organizer.

You can also collect stamps from other 3AMK student union events (Laureamko & Helga)! The 3AMK partnership is designed to make your Wappu more flexible: you can choose the events that interest you most and select e.g. free events. By purchasing a METKA Wappupass, you will be entitled to member-priced tickets to METKA’s Wiikon Wappu events only. However, you can buy a regular-priced ticket to Laureamko and Helga’s Wappu events and earn a stamp on your pass from them.

Wiikon Wappu events: 

16.4. Wappukuntoon (METKA)
17.4. RatikkAppr6 (Demoni ry)
18.4. Kaivopuiston kesäkimara (Albo ry, HTO ry, Trombi ry, MYRO ry)
18.4. Kaivopuiston Yökimara (Albo ry, HTO ry, Trombi ry, MYRO ry)
19.4 Wappucircle (TXO ry)
20.4. Operation Suomenlinna (ESN Metropolia)
20.4. WappuWaellus (AOK ry)
21.4. Resting day!
22.4. Muistinmetsästys (HTO ry)
23.4. Suomenlinnan Tähti (MysteRy)
24.4. METKAn Wabusitsit
25.4. Leppävaara-approt (KaMA ry)
25.4. Wappu Pong (Peritia Vestio ry)
26.4. WappuBrunssi (Turbiini, Luova Dimensio, XR Center)
27.4. Poikkitieteellinen Mölkky (UIO ry)
28.4. Tutorolympialaiset (METKAn tutorvastaavat)
29.4. Wappujahti (Rakennusarkkitehtikilta ry & Gooni ry & Me Bien ry)
30.4. METKAn Wappuaatto
1.5. Kaivarin vappu (METKA, Helga, Laureamko)

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