METKA’s 17th anniversary was celebrated on Saturday March 15th. In addition to food, drinks and speeches, METKA traditionally also awarded meritorious actors at the anniversary celebration.

  • Student association of the year Myllypuron Sosiaali- ja Terveysalojen Opiskelijat ry – MysteRy
  • Teacher of the year Sanna Piikki
  • Staff member of the year Tuire Ranta-Meyer
  • Active student of the year Ossi Pirinen
  • Advocate of student rights of the year Veera Varjalehto
  • Tutor of the year Kiana Aghajani
  • Head tutor of the year Mia Vaim
  • Event of the year Voice of Kuutti (Demoni ry)
  • The Phenomenon of the year Sinebrychoffin puisto

In addition, we awarded the people who developed METKA’s operations in a special way with a silver badge of merit. The badges were awarded to Adel Rizvi, Pauliina Tuominen, Tia Tast and Matleena Ikola.

The photos of the cocktail party are now also published on METKA’s Flickr account. The photographer was Veera Melvasalo.

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